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    Hi guys! Omg it’s so good to be back! After a month break from blogging finally now i can focus my mind to create contents! Last month i was so busy finishing my final thesis, there are so many preparation to be done. I have to focus my mind to get my bachelor degree and it’s all done now! God i still can’t believe i just finished my school life and now welcome to real life! After I graduated honestly the euphoria that I felt did not last more than a day. I honestly feel confused, insecure, afraid of what else I have to do now. transitioning from a month full of thinking about my thesis and now everything's done is just make me feel so overwhelmed what steps I want to take next. Was it normal? Anyway this is my first content after i came back i decided want to start by posting fashion content first cause there are so many beautiful outfit that i want to share with you guys! So in this look i’m wearing a white top pair with the mustard skirt. As you know lately i’ve been loving the minimal look so a little pop of mustard will mke the look pop on the eyes! I complete the look with a cream dots slippers, omg im so in love with this i found it when i was fad scrolling on instagram #shoes lol can u see how much procasinate i am. I mean the hashtag shoes itself has a million posting in it and though im still diving into it lol. Then i finish the look with my new bag that i love the most, its from STAUD. Sorry guys i gotta make a new paragraph to express my love to this bag lol, and I gotta tell you guys a short story behind my relationship with this bag! So i’ve been loving this bag for almost a year ago in 2017 i never heard of this brand before, practically this is a new local brand from US. First time i saw this bag from one of my favorite blogger Songofstyle. I literally falling in love to it but i was never intended to buy it cause i know it will gave me so much effort to taking care of the shipping not yet the tax! so i passed it , a few days after i saw it on other 3 blogger that i follow on instagram but they live in US so i still i think that this brand might be happening there. I still passed it out a few weeks later i saw it on some harpers bazaar uk ig story and after that i keep seeing this bag in so many ig accounts that i followed and many fashion people and even stars such as Alexa Chung, Dakota Fanning worn them too. What i thought about that was wow such a great marketing strategy , many people have worn their items, they succeed to make their products visible, though inside im still denying that i don’t really need this bag lol. I think i’ve been seeing it constantly for more or less in 4 months until i saw it on one indonesian influencer that i followed using that bag! So okay yes the power of marketing has possessed me and finally made me buy it. Okay here’s where the nightmare start when i clicked ontheir website this bag was sold out i mean why was this happen all the time! So short story after this horror story i had to wait almost 5 moths until this bag restocked i checked on their wesite for almost 3 times a week! Ugh but finally i can get my hand to this one! So do you guys love this look? Tell me your thoughts! Have a nice day! top & skirt : Callie Cotton | bag : Staud Clothing


    I'll always have a thing with a simple dress especially when it comes in linen. To be very honest i'm not a dress person at all, most of the collections that i found its either too girly and the cuttings did not suit my curvy body type properly. Until i find this perfect black dress from Sol RTW ! Sol is a local indonesian brand based in Jakarta. I stumbled upon their page on Instagram and i immediately fall in love when i saw this dress as their new collection! there are so many details about this dress that screams me. I love the spaghetti strap it gives such an elegant yet sexy and this kind of strap frames my wide shoulder perfectly. Straight cuttings on the dress wraps my curvy body in a very beautiful way, the square neck and the pleats details it gives a really pretty dimension to hide my muffin top behind this dress lol. They made a really good decision when choosing the linen material for this dress. I always find that Linen fabric have their own style to elevate the whole look with their textures! It gives a simple, effortless and earthy touch especially when you combine them with a black color it made the whole look feels super sophisticated.


    Hey guys back again with me, hows your week been going? i hope you are all in a good and healthy conditions! So in this time i want to share with you guys my latest styling for a couple of items that i bought from The Editors Market! The editors market is a fashion brand based in Singapore, i've been a loyal customer since i was 16 years old! i always love their collections, it really suits my style that is casual, edgy and with a little bit touch of feminine. They recently just launch their fall collections and when i see their new collections i fell in love this mustard tank top, i mean how can't i! The mustard color is super pretty and i really love the square cuttings on the neck area cause it will elevate my shoulder to make it look leaner and my my arm appear smaller. I'm going to pair it with the yellow plaid button pants to add more little details on the look but with the right amount. For me its just the perfect set of style and colors to wear on this season even though there are no fall season in Indonesia but fall is always been my favourite season especially for fashion season! To match this pretty set i pair them with a white slippers wiith a buckle details from Nakedsol and as the cherry on top i'm using my Gucci Marmont Belt Bag in Nude pink to add a neutral tone for the whole look! top & pants : The Editors Market | shoes: Nakedsol| sunnies: Rayban| waistbag: Gucci


    Hi guys back again with me! Oke di postingan kali ini tanpa basa basi lagi gue mau kasi review ke kalian tentang Foreo Luna 2! Kalian sudah pada tahu belum sih foreo itu apa? Atau sebelumnya pernah denger tentang this face celansing device? Well kalo kalian belum tahu Foreo itu adalah beauty device yang fungsinya untuk membersihkan wajah. As you all know kita juga sering mencuci muka pakai tangan tapi tentunya tangan kita gabisa melakukan deep cleansing sampai ke bagian kulit terdalam. Nah kalau kita cuci muka gak bersih seringkali kotoran yang tertinggal itu menyebabkan munculnya jerawat. Foreo ini membantu kita untuk membersihkan kulit muka kita hingga ke bagian paling dalam yang sulit dijangkau. Nah! Foreo luna sampai saat ini sudah keluarin sampe 3 generasi device ada foreo luna mini ,foreo luna go dan yang gue beli foreo luna 2. Sebenernya produknya foreo itu ga cuma lunna series aja masih banyak yang lain lagi! Kalo kalian mau tahu apa saja produknya foreo kalian bisa klik disini here Since gue punya yang foreo luna 2 jadi yang gue fokusin bahasannya tentang foreo luna 2. Foreo luna 2 ini ada beberapa macam warna nah kita gabisa milih warna sesuka kita karena tiap warna beda fungsinya guys! Kalian bisa liat ya di gambar ini bedanya apa saja. As you all know kulit gue itu sensitive gila jadi udah pasti beli yang untuk kulit sensitive. AAARGH i feel so lucky dapetnya yang lilac lol i love that color so much. Nah selain warnannya yang membedakan kalo kalian lihat lebih detail lagi masing2 warna juga punya permukaan sikat yang berbeda beda disesuaikan lagi dengan kebutuhannya. Sebelum gue dive in ke pengalaman gue sama foreo , gue mau cerita dulu kenapa gue awalnya bisa tertarik beli cleansing device. Jadi awalnya gue as usual senang sekali untuk racunin diri sendiri ya nonton2 video youtube dan berbagai review lainnya. Awalnya gue itu tertarik sama si Clarisonic ,gue lupa gue buka di videonya tati kalo gasalah , as usual juga she’s my other religion lol. Dia suka banget sama clarisonic karena dia ngerasa muka dia hasilnya kerasa banget bedanya cuci muka pakai tangan biasa sama pakai alat. Singkat cerita gue membaca semua review tentang si clarisonic ini tapi dari research yang gue dapet si clarisonic ini itu bentuknya sikat yang kepala brushnya itu bisa disesuaikan sama kebutuhan kita, dan jenis brushnya ini ada banyak banget. TAPI banyak orang yang kasi review kalo si clarisonic ini terlalu kasar brushnya especially untuk kulit sensitive dan yang gampang kering, jadi kalau pakai device ini malah makin bikin parah gitu guys. Plus menurut gue ga budget friendly ya karena kita harus terus menerus ganti si brushnya itu karena gue lupa gantinya per berapa lama intinya harus terus diganti karena mereka kalo makin lama dipake kondisi brushnnya itu berubah ya sikat aja gimana sih bentuknya ngerti kan gengs bisa jadi cepet rusak cepet botak kalo dipake terus. Yaila beli alatnya aja udah mahal dan ini harus terus beli kepala brushnya kebayang kan! Nah karena gue browsing tenntang clarisonic pasti muncul dong artikel juga tentang comparisonnya sama Foreo. Baru deh disitu gue tahu foreo dan gue langsung cari tahu. Dari bentuknya aja udah jauh menarik foreo banget lol , warnannya lucu lucu deh dan setelah gue baca tentang review nya banyak banget orang dengan kulit sensitive dan berjerawat lebih cocok pakai foreo. Alasannya karena brushnya foreo lebih lembut daripada clarisonic, banyak yang bilang juga kalo muka mereka kerasa banget jadi lebih bersih dan gak gampang jerawatan seperti biasanya which is make sense kan kalo lu bersihin muka nya bener kemungkinan berjerawat itu pasti lebih sedikit. Komedo komedo juga sebagian keangkat dan foreo ini jauh lebih budget friendly karena kita gaperlu ganti ganti kepala brush since ya brushnnya cuma satu plusnya lagi kita gaperlu sering ngecharge karena chargingnnya cukup 6 bulan sekali aja and last bahannya karet jadi gampang dibersihin dan lebih gak gampang rusak. Terus baca review orang orang juga gacukup sampe akhirnya gue jump in ke story instagram teman gue yang beauty enthusiast juga dan dia beli foreo yang luna mini 2 which is yang generasi 1 ya and dia bilang mukanya makin alus dan improvement nya itu bener bener kerasa kurangin jerawat dia plus mukanya jadi lebih cerah ya udah pasti karena dead skin cells nya terangkat. Gue masih juga menahan diri untuk gabeli karena waktu itu menurut gue belum butuh meskipun gue mau banget karena harganya gak murah juga ya sekitar 3 juta rupiah gengs. Sampaiiii akhirnyaaaaaaa i got it as a present from my boyfriend lol , seneng banget ga si mau teriak kan lu dikasih sesuatu yang u udah pingin! Huhu terhura sayang bat dah pokonya. Pokonya di hari itu gue dapet tu barang gue langsung cobain saat itu juga wgwg. Gue dibeliin yang tipe foreo luna 2 karena ini latest versionnya series luna, waktu itu gue dikasi di sekitar bulan april 2018. Didalem kotaknya kita dikasih kabel charger dan barcode seri foreo kita jadi kalo ada apa apa kita bisa klaim langsung ke websitenya. So first stepnya adalah kita taro our cleansing products kita ke muka, tapi gak digosok cuma disebar aja biar merata ke seluruh muka. Oiya ini juga bantu hemat sabun banget sih guys karena pakai produk dikit aja juga sudah cukup! Then turn on the foreo dengan ngeklik bagian bulat ditengah dan di kanan kirinya ada button +- itu untuk ngatur tingkat getaran sesuai sama yang kita mau. Kalo gue selalu kurangin 2 level dr getaran pertamanya nah sudah begitu tinggal tempel aja ke muka, digosok in circular motion dan gaperlu keras keras karena sikatnya juga udah bisa memersihkan ke bagian paling dalam kan gengs. Terus sebenernya mereka itu untuk bersihin beberapa bagian muka ada itungan detiknya dan alatnya itu sudah keset sendiri, jadi misalkan kita bersihin bagian dahi nah di dahi itu cukup 5-8 detik nanti kalau waktunya udah selesai dia bakal berenti sebentar buat nandain kita untuk ganti ke area muka berikutnya dan otomatis langsung getar lagi. Tapi jujur gue ga tralu ikutin waktunya ya dan gue bersihnya sesuai mau gue aja gue puter ke seluruh bagian muka gue , arahnya kaya gue bersihin muka pakai tangan gak fokus di satu satu daerah begitu karena tralu lama gengs kalo kayak begitu yekan. Gue biasa bersihin ga di waktu sih jadi pakai feeling aja kalo gue rasa sudah bersih gue langsung stop alatnya dan gue bilas dulu muka gue baru bersihin si foreo. Yang membedakan luna 2 ini di bagian belakangnya ada garis garis melengkung keatas nah itu fungsinya untuk anti aging massage gitu jadi kalo kalian udah beres cuci muka baru kalian balik sisinya dan nyalain lagi , nah kurang lebih caranya sama cuma bedanya sisi anti aging ini gak kita puter tapi kita taro di bagian agian yang kita rasa ada fine lines tinggal didiemin saja gengs disitu ato bisa juga ditekan-tekan dengan lembut kayak pijit facial gitudeh. Nah selesai gitu pencet lagi buat turn off. Awal gue pakai efek yang langsung kerasa itu halusnya sih itu parah halus banget muka gue terutama di bagian idung gue selalu banyak komedo disitu dan gak sebanyak sebelumnnya. Sisanya gue belum merasakan efek apa apa lagi sih. Selama seminggu gue cuci muka pakai foreo pagi dan malam gitukan daan alhasil muka gue kering parah lol gue gasangka bakal kering banget dan muncul jerawat merah 3 - 4 begitu dan gue yakin banget mungkin karena si foreo bersihnya itu bersih banget sampe muka gue keilanngan oilnya makannya jadi kering dan timbul jerawat. Disitu gue udah sedih banget deh udh punya device mahal yang gue demen banget dan ekspektasi gue jelas tinggi gitu sama ini alat kan taunya malah bikin gue jerawatan heu. Setelah ini gue rehat dulu gapake selama seminggu tunggu muka gue ademan dulu kan. Tapi gue batu dan masih berusaha karena gue pengen banget ini alat ada gunannya buat skin care routine gue lol akhirnya gue coba sehari sekali saja tapi muka gue masih tetap kering sampe akhirnnya gue coba 2 hari sekali dan kalo abis makeup heavy gue selalu bersihin pakai foreo. And turns out it works!!! Ternyata kulit gue cocoknya 2 hari sekali pakai foreo ini and memang bener bersihnya bersih banget ya dan muka gue juga gak jadi gampang jerawatan, yang gue notice banget saat gue mens gue jadi gaada jerawat yang gede gede cuma ada jerawat kecil saja yang paling 1-2 hari juga sudah ilang. And kalo bersihin muka sesudah makeup heavy ini works banget karena even gue udah pakai cleansing oil dan micellar water pun saat gue pakai foreo masih ada jejak jejak sisa foundation yang nempel di foreonya plus gue juga suka pakai iseng iseng kalo abis pakai serum massage pakai bagian anti agingnya itu gaada efek apa apa sih ke gue secara gue belum begitu ada fine lines ya jadi gue gabisa bedain. SO MY FINAL VERDICTS ARE!!!! 1. It’s cleansing your face hingga ke bagian pori terdalam yang gak bisa dijangkau pakai tangan. 2. U gotta know your skin first mampunya sampai sejauh mana karena reaksi kulit orang itu beda lagi lagi dan juga masih banyak orang yang kontra sama pemakaian cleansing device karena dianggap malah memicu kulit jadi sensitive. 3. Mengurangi jerawat in my case ,mengangkat sebagian komedo and dead skin cells. 4. Cleanse the makeup leftovers very well. 5. A good but not the best device for facial massage, u can use it with facial oils or after applying ur serums. 6. Is this a life changing product? In my case, yes or No. jujur ditengah-tengah karena dia membantu mengurangi jerawat dan membersihkan sisa makeup very well. No. karena ya sampe disitu aja efeknya yang aku rasain sisanya gaada apa apa lagi? Who needs foreo? In my opinion foreo bakal berguna untuk: Orang orang yang punya masalah jerawat yang cukup parah dan merasa cleansing adalah bagian yang penting dan ngaruh ke mukanya. Tentunya first you gotta know your skin very well. 2. Orang yang rajin makeup heavy i mean like using a lot of products in their face tiap hari. 3. Orang yang tertarik dengan cleansing device dan ADA BUDGET YA FOR SURE karena gue ngerasa ini pricey untuk sebuah perawatan dan bukan device yang termasuk must have items. Oke guys jadi segitu penjelasan gue tentang pengalaman gue dengan FOREO LUNA 2 semoga review dari gue ini bisa berguna bagi kalian sebelum splurging all of your money! Yang terpenting itu you gotta know your skin very well karena produk semahal apapun gak jadi jaminan bakal bisa buat kulit kita sehat. And last but not least lifestyle itu ngaruh banget ke kondisi kulit , mau u minum serum ampe makan ari ari firaun juga kalo kalian gampang stress, bad sleeping time dan juga makanan kalian gak sehat ga bakalan ngaruh guys! So stay healthy okay! See u on the next review! Have a nice day!


    Casual outfit is always a choice for my everyday style. Other than comfortable to use, I don’t really need a look that is too much for weekday. Lately I’m really into earth tones. . In addition to the vibes that the color brings, earth tone color gives the impression of simple, neutral and stand out at the same time, of course, with the correct mix and match. Often people misunderstand the true meaning of “Neutral” in a dressing world, with the wrong mix and match neutral color can be a disaster too. Make the earth tones as an example, when you match them with the wrong color ,earth tone can give you a bad impression, even can make our skin color look faint. In this post I want to give you some tips and tricks to mix and match the right earth tone color for your daily outfit. Choose the earth tone color that fit your skin Earth tones reflect the colors of human elements and that includes the skin When you choose the right color tones, earth tone will give a contrast effect to your skin, people have different skin color and the color itself will give a different effect on everyone, so that’s why you have to choose the right ones for you. Always match the earth tone with a brighter color why? Cause matching the earth tone with a lighter color will create gradations to your whole looks and will pop out the earth tones colored items that you are wearing. Don’t ever mix a dark earth tone with a dark colored items too ,or else will bring out a dead color and it will look boring . Besides the lighter color you can also combine them with a pattern that contains related color to your outfit. Complete the look with a stand out bags or shoes and accessories but not too much! Earth color goes well with silver and gold accessories. yuka green top : RALYKA | stripes cullotes : Zara | shoes: Stradivarius | sunnies : Rayban


    Hey guys how are you? Stay hydrated? hows ur skin? Everything looking good? Oke cukup basa basi so pedulinya wg, kali ini gue mau membahas tentang Halo Beauty by Tati produk vitamin dari sang beauty guru kecintaan w banget dari dulu. Oke sebelum dive in ke produknya kalian sudah tahu belum sih sama Tati Westbrook? Kalo kalian belum tahu dia kalian bisa langsung aja buka channelnya, disana dia banyak banget ngereview tentang makeup dan skincare. Kenapa gue cinta banget sama dia karena dia beli skincare dan makeup dari yag murah banget sampe mahal dan reviewnya jujur semua! Which kalo kalian perhatiin ga banyak beauty guru yang bisa seperti dia, selain jujur gue suka banget kalo dia lagi jelasin gatau kenapa suaranya kayak keibuan menenangkan banget kalo dengerin kayak lagi di kelonin. Nah, sudah hukum alamnya setiap beauty guru terkenal biasaya launch produk yang sesuai sama preference mereka either ke skincare ataupun makeup, tapi yang paling banyak makeup products. Nah setelah sekian lama banyak banget produk kolab dengan beauty guru bertebaran akhirnya Tati keluarin satu produk nya yang setelah sekian lama sering di hint di setiap channelnya dan akhirnya dia reveal Halo Beauty by Tati. Halo beauty ini adalah vitamin yang dikonsumsi fungsinnya untuk menjaga & memperbaiki berbagai permasalahan kulit, menjaga kesehatan rambut dan juga kuku. Banyak yang gak menyangka Tati ternyata mengeluarkan produk vitamin bukan makeup karena since yang gue bilang tadi kolaborasi dengan beauty guru most of it produknya makeup. Nah gue selalu tiap kali ada video baru nya dia bakalan selalu gue tonton, saking udah penasaran dari lama sama produk yang lagi dia buat dan saat dia reveal kalo produknya adalah vitamin kulit , rambut dan kuku yakali ga sih ga ditakis. Apalagi kondisi w disaat itu memang lagi cari vitamin kulit yang bisa w konsumsi tiap hari , selain lagi kegilaan banget sama skinncare gue juga percaya kalo your healthy skin comes from within. Dari apa yang kita konsumsi , pola aktivitas kita hari hari, etc. Hal seperti itu menurut gue pengaruhnya ga kalah besar dari pemakaian skincare yag cocok dan rutin. Oke lanjut jadi pertama tama gue akan tampilkan ingredients yang ada didalam Halo Beauty ini supaya kalian bisa lihat apa saja yang tertulis di produknya. You can click for more details in here. INGREDIENTS: Vitamin C Vitamin C is one of the most effective nutrients to help grow and strengthen hair. Vitamin C also helps to build collagen, which is not only important for hair growth, but maintaining hair strength. Within the skin, Vitamin C helps serve to protect us from the damage of sun exposure and normal aging. Vitamin D3 (plant derived from Lichen) Our bodies produce Vitamin D as cholesterol and converts it into Vitamin D as sunshine is absorbed by the skin. With age (and avoiding the sun), the ability of the body to create healthy levels of Vitamin D declines, which is reflected in the deficiency found in a large part of the population. It is one of the ingredients to “looking great” and helps give the skin a healthy glow. Our Vitamin D3 is derived from Lichen that produces a pure and clean natural source of vegan Vitamin D3 that's free from contaminants. B1, B2, & B6 vitamins B vitamins are essential for great hair and skin and help with energy metabolism. B vitamins are attributed to have some of the most obvious effects involved in promoting overall hair health. Together taken with Biotin, the B complex helps to make the skin glow, and fights free radicals which are one of the main causes of aging and age related conditions. Vitamin B1, also known as Thiamine, is excellent for skin and is an anchor vitamin for the other B vitamins to support synergistic results. Vitamin B2, also known as Riboflavin, is an activator for vitamin B6 which contributes melanin to the hair and also known to help prevent hair loss. Also as an antioxidant, this vitamin scavenges for free radicals and plays an important role in the formation and maintenance of collagen which helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Vitamin B6, plays an important role in a variety of enzymatic reactions in the body. It also has a role in improving blood flow to hair follicles supporting healthy hair growth. Researchers found Vitamin B6 to inhibit the formation of DHT by binding to receptors responsible for the formation of DHT. The result of the action is thought by researchers to support both the prevention of hair loss and the improvement of hair condition. Similarly, Vitamin B6 has been studied in the aid of natural hair color restoration by increasing the formation of melanin, the pigment that gives hair it’s color. Ceramide-Rx™ Our proprietary and clinically proven Ceramide-Rx™ is a phytoceramide extracted from rice. Phytoceramides are lipids that keep your skin hydrated and plump. Ceramide-Rx™ has been proven in human clinical double blind trials to restore and rebuild the outer skin layer, increasing the skins ability to retain moisture while improving skin smoothness in as little as 3 weeks. It also results in an improved barrier for toxins and other harmful substances from entering the body. Ceramide-Rx™ may reduce the appearance of large pores and fine lines. The bottom line: Ceramide-Rx™ can do what no lotion or cream can. Clinical human studies results demonstrate Ceramide-Rx™: INCREASES Skin Hydration* REDUCES Itchiness & Redness* MINIMIZES Small Lines & Wrinkles* PROMOTES Skin Smoothness* FIGHTS Signs of Aging Visibly and from Within* Gue gabakal tampilin semua karena banyak banget karena bakal bikin puyeng sendiri ya ntar u pada bingung ini product review atau katalog obat tay pin san kan wgwg, gue tampilin beberapa ingredients aja yang gue rasa banyak menjadi concern masalah kulit orang orang. Nah dari yang gue baca jujur gue paling tertarik dari testimonnialnya di ig , banyak banget yang udah pada coba dan perubahan before afternnya gila banget menurut gue banyak banget orang orang yang masih muda sampe yang pada berumur nunjukin perubahan kulit mereka tiap minggunya. Dari yang problemnya puffy eyes, dark circle, flek di muka, even wrinkles ya yang jujur gue sebelumnya belom pernah liat vitamin yang bener bener bisa ngatasin wrinkle secara nyata tapi ini beneran ngefek dan keliatan banget hasilnya, selain itu juga ngatasin bekas bekas jerawat yang kalian tahu susah banget ilangnya bisa berbulan bulan kan tapi banyak yang bilang dari testinya hanya butuh 2-3 minggu hasilnya sudah keliatan banget, dan yang terakhir adalah tekstur kulit sih itu parah banget keliatan di testimonial orag orang jadi moistured banget, dan efek glowing itu bener bener keliatan. Nah gue bakal tampilin ya beberapa testi yang gue ambil dari akun instagramnya Halo Beauty. Kalian udah bisa liat kan kenapa gue tertarik banget buat coba produknya. Plus kalo kalian yang ada eczema Halo Beauty juga bisa ngatasin eczema. Gila gak si, sudah segini saja testinya Halo Beauty itu masih sempet diragukan guys, banyak orang orang yang gak percaya ini vitamin benneran. Jd sebagian orang ragu karena yang buat vitamin ini adalah seorang beauty guru yang gada licensed apapun dalam bidangnya untuk produksi sebuah vitamin.Sampe akhirnya Tati buat video yang jelasin kalo yang buat bukan dia tapi dia kerjasama sama ahli ahli nutrisi, apoteker dan sebagainya yang sudah dijamin ahli di bidangnya. Gatau kenapa sih gue selalu percaya saja sama Tati since semua produk review yang dia lakuin semuannya based on honest opinion dan gue ga ngerti juga ya sama pemikiran orang orang yanng ngira dia bikin sendiri, oh come on jamu buyung upik aja ada apotekernya ada lisensinya masa iya sih seorang tati westbrook mau mempertaruhkan namanya buat sesuatu yang gajelas, make sense kan guys. Nah lanjut pada saat gue mau beli waktu itu gue susah banget yang nemu yang jual ready stock hampir semua olshop baru buka pre order aja. Akhirnya gue direkomen sama teman gue ke Powdergal.Id yang kebetulan saat itu mereka jual ready stock. Gue beli disana dengan harga 789K. As soon as sampe di hari besokannya langsung gue coba dan gue ikutin cara konsumsinya 2 kali sehari pagi dan malam, plus gue gapernah skip sehari pun karena gue bener bener mau hasil yang maksimal. Di setiap minggunya gue selalu kasi update di story instagram tentang kondisi kulit gue. Week 1 and 2 di minggu pertama dan kedua gue sudah bisa merasakan improvement dari tekstur kulit gue. Kerasa banget kulit gue yang biasanya selalu kering meskipun udah pakai segala macem moisturizer masi aja kering sekarang jadi lebih moisturized, kalo dipegang kulit gue kerasa lembut banget , dry patches terutama di samping kanan kiri idung di muka gue udah mulai ilang tapi belum sepenuhnya dan komedo dimuka juga biasanya selalu numpuk di idung tap gue ngerasa berkurang banget dari biasanya ya kalo kalian liat di foto gue yang before juga gue banyak jerawat aktif merah di dagu yang sakit fix kalian juga tahu kan wkwk nah setelah seminggu juga jadi udah ga meradang merah lagi. Terus pori pori gue juga ngerasa banget lebih kecilan ya dari biasanya makannya muka gue juga jadi kerasa lebih firm kerasa banget saat gue pakein foundie gue pakai primer lebih dikit dari biasanya hasilnya udah bagus banget. Nah ini dia yang gue ngerasa Halo Beauty itu life saver banget di momen ini. Jadi kalo kalian pada notice pas kmaren tanggal 4-5 mei itu kan di Jakarta sempet ada rave event. Nah ya kalian sudah pasti tahu kalo di rave event kayak sudah pasti sedikit banyak ada konsumsi alkohol, apalagi acaranya sampe 2 hari fix banget jam tidur jadi berantakan. Nah biasanya gue kalo udah kaya gitu dijamin besokannya pasti ada panen jerawat entah jerawat merah atau beruntusan ditambah lagi abis event pasti bawaannya pas balik cuma ingin mandi langsung tidur. Di 2 hari itu gue ga sempet pakai night skincare gue jadi cuma mandi dan straight to bed saking udah capenya. And you know what? Gue ga ada jerawat sama sekali not even one! Kulit gue tetap hydrated malah jadi plump banget pas bangun lol. Gue bener bener amazed dan ngerasa diselametin banget sama ini vitamin satu LOL. Week 2 & 3 Di week kedua dan ketiga gue bisa liat pori-pori gue makin mengecil. Kalo untuk bekas jerawat gue belom ngerasa ilang sepenuhnya tapi udah memudar dikit ya. Nah yang gue bisa rasain banget adalah tekstur kulit gue yang beda banget dari sebelumnnya. Kulit gue berasa banget jadi lebih plump. Lebih lembut , kerasa banget kulit gue itu hydrated banget ga sekering biasanya. Plus gue juga ngerasa warna kulit gue lebih merata daripada sebelumnya which is great! Satu lagi perubahan yang gue bisa rasain banget ada di rambut gue, secara ini juga vitamin buat rambut dan kuku ya masa kagak ada efek-efeknya yakan. Jadi gue punya rambut yang bisa dibilang itu cukup tebel ya, dan kaliann harus tahu problem rambut gue adalah rontok! Omg jangan dikira rambut tebel itu enak saja ya karena kalian bakalan terus berhadapan sama yang namanya rontok. Kalo abis keramas gue pasti langsung keringin rambut karena pala gue gampang pusing gitudeh kalo basah ( manja bgzt ) wgwg. Nah selagi dikerinngin biasanya pasti ada aja yang rontok padahal gak disisir fyi aja kaliann jangan suka nyisir rambut dalam keadaan basah karena kalo disisir pas basah rambut bakalan lebih gampang rontok . Itu aja gue tanpa disisir biasannya bisa 6- 8 helai rambut yang rontok, apalagi kalo lagi parah2nya bisa lebih dari itu! Nah abis gue pakai Halo beauty rambut gue masi tetap rontok LOL tapi jauh banget berkurangnya! Paling cum 1-3 helai saja guys , menurut gue ini gila banget ya karena sudah sekian lama gue juga pake segala macem shampoo yang bisa menangani kerontokan gue tapi halo beauty berhasil cuy! (soasik malesin lu wgwg) Week 5 Lah ko langsung ke week 5? Jadi gue mau cerita dulu sedikit nih, di minggu keempat kmaren gue gak sempet untuk update progress kulit gue karena ada kedukaan di keluarga gue. Tapi satu hal yang gue notice di minggu keempat gue gak sempet pakai skincare sebanyak gue biasanya karena kondisi yang ga memungkinkan. Tapi gue sadar kulit gue still doing fine aja tanpa adanya massive skincare routine gue which is itu totally helpful! Nah di minggu kelima ini isi botol halo gue udah ampir abis lol jadi memasuki minggu2 terakhir ini pas banget disaat ini gue udah bisa merasakan dalam waktu deket gue bakalann mens. As usual tanda-tandanya udah mulai bermunculan, nah yanng gue notice dari kmarenn kan gue banyak skip skincare routine gue kalo sudah mau mens gini fix banget biasanya itu bermunculan jerawat merah yang ga tentu sizenya tapi sakitnnya setengah mati. Biasanya itu bisa sampe 3-4 biji kalo lagi parahnya banget. Kali ini ya tetap muncul HAHA tapi satu doang gaes yaampun bersyukur banget gaperlu struggling sama jerawat merah yang banyak-banyak huhu. Okay so this is my final verdict! Improve my skin texture Mengecilkan pori-pori Mengurangi komedo ( bukan menghilangkan ya geng ) Ngatasin jerawat banget especially jerawat gede dan beruntusan Glowing skin!!! Baru 1 minggu pemakaian sudah keliatan banget hasilnya bikin muka glowing Gaada efek samping Secure ur skin in every way even if ur consume such things as alcohol, cigarettes, etc. Memperkuat rambut Mengurangi kerontokan Oke jadi itulah my final thoughts about Halo Beauty by Tati guys, semuanya ini based on pengalaman gue sendiri ga lebihin dan ga dikurangin . gue disini hanya mau share kejujuran gue terhadap produk ini supaya bisa jadi manfaat buat kita semua yang punya problem terhadap masalah kulit hehe. Skincare itu penting, vitamin juga penting, tapi yang paling penting adalah pola hidup kita sehari harinya guys, you are what you eat its true!!! Dan juga kegiatan u pada sehari harinya dari mulai jam tidur, olahraga, konsumsi makanan sehat, dsb. itu bener bener ngaruh banget buat kondisi kulit. Yang terakhir!! Jangan stress sama jerawat i know this is hard tapi based on my experience juga dengan kita stress kulit juga bakal makin stress dan gabisa bekerja optimal. Jerawat itu butuh ekstra kesabaran guys dan gaada yang instan semuanya pakai proses. So produk atau metode apapun yang lagi kamu coba dan udah coba, don’t ever give up! You just have to keep trying find out what works for you! Serius deh guys dibawa sans aja justru dengan trial and error kita bisa makin kenal sama kulit kita! Hehe okay that’s it from me! See you on my next content and don’t forget to stay hydrated!


    Casual style will always be my signature when dressing. Almost on any occasion that is formal or so I always manage to give a casual touch, it is very comfortable to wear and easy in mix and match, can be in style become day style and also can be used to event. At this look, I have inspired again from Pinterest ,yes. I see some casual office look but statement yet very stylish at the same time. When we go to to the office our outifit cannot be too quirky and the main thing is the comfort because we do a lot of activities right. But often after the office hour is finished our activities are not just stopped right there. we can come to an event. Hangout with friends, and so forth. I am challenged to make a comfortable look to use the office but also suitable for use in informal occasion! This time I use the cream nude plaid blazer, which I like from this piece is a combination of colors and patterns that fit my style very well! Creme white color is casual and versatile yet the plaid pattern makes it simple but bold at the same time, also details of the long belt give a touching statement that is not excessive. For the inner, I use a plain white turtleneck to give the gap of color on my top look. Then continued by using black trousers with white lining on the ankle that gives extra color gradation so it does not look too boring, then I use my favorite gold platform heels shoes adjust the color white color palette black and broken white on my outfit. The last touch just using a simple necklace with round details then done! I think this look is very flexible if used for 2 different occasions. The first one to keep the office outfit look neat and polite and the color can not be too conspicuous, combined with neutral pants or subordinates such as black, white and cream. The seconnd one is for the event it is very suitable because the plaid pattern is super playful and the statement given by the pants is also very suitable! One trick that I often use when wearing a blazer for evening events is showing some skin! The trick is just by lowering the right or left side or both in again shoulder as if will want to open the outer as I do in this photo! So what do you think? Share your thoughts in the comment box below! blazer & pants : Shopatvelvet | inner: Topshop | shoes: By Chapelet | necklace: H&M


    Hi everyone pada kali ini gue membahas tentang skincare baru lagi yang sudah gue coba di kulit gue sendiri sekitar 2 minggu lebih. Kalau kalian belum pernah mendengar apa itu Herbivore Botanicals let me tell you a bit info about this skincare. Herbivore botanicals ini adalah brand skincare yang berasal dari Seattle sejak tahun 2011, ditemukan oleh pasangan suami istri yang bernama Julia wills dan Alexander Kummerow , mereka membuat skincare yang berasal dari bahan bahan yang sangat natural, , seringkali produk sincare yang berbahan natural dijudge tidak memberikan dampak yang nyata, sering berbau, dll. Herbivore Botanicals membuktikan bahwa produk yang berbasis bahan natural benar bisa memberikan dampak yang nyata pada kulit kita. “Every ingredient that we include in our products is there for a specific therapeutic reason. We do not use fillers of any kind, meaning that almost every ingredient in our products is an “active” ingredient. This results in pure, highly concentrated, and effective formulas that are a rarity in the skincare and cosmetics world today. All of our formulas are original, created and tested by us, on real people — never on animals and always from scratch. All of our products have an emphasis on organic, high quality, and food-grade ingredients. Knowing that everything we put on our skin quickly absorbs into our bodies, we ethically source the finest raw natural materials the earth has to offer. With ingredients ranging from French pink clay to Brazilian gemstones, we formulate treatments that combine essential vitamins, minerals, and botanicals to restore skin to its optimum health and vitality. In addition to creating products that give you noticeable results, we also create our products with personal rejuvenation and a little indulgence in mind. We believe that daily bathing and skincare rituals should be enjoyable — a way to carve out some much-needed downtime in your hectic routine. From thoughtfully designed packaging and labels that really allow our ingredients to shine through, to intoxicating scents and luxurious textures, we truly want you to love your skincare and bathing routines.” These explanation comes from their company profile in here HERBIVORE BOTANICALS True blue Clarfying duo ini adalah rangkaian perawatan dari Herbivore Botanicals yang dibuat khusus untuk menangani kondisi kulit yang cenderung pada oily combination and acne prone skin. Nah di rangkaian true blue ini ada kandungan blue tansy a.k.a moroccan camomile yang punya khasiat sebagai anti bacterial, antihistamine , anti inflammatory , calming ur skin and reaction soothing. Bahan lue tansy sendiri sebenarnya juga sudah dipakai sebelumnya oleh Sunday Riley kalau kalian pernah dengar di Luna sleeping night oil . Ingredients lain yang ada di produk ini beberapa yang familiar gue dengar jadi gue bakal jelasin yang gue tau aja dari hasil research gue yang juga kagak akurat sbnrnya wk. White willow bark : semacam BHA tapi natural dari tanaman, fungsinya sebagai exfoliator. It’s a really great ingredients terutama buat kulit oily to acne prone skin. Azulene: ini ingredients yang buat warna produknya biru supaya u pada kepengen beli lol. Gak bukan! emang dikira mau beli anakan itik diwarnain ya wg. Ini ingredients yang bagus untuk atasin anti inflamatory annd reduce redness terutama kulit yang iritasi. Aloe leaf : pada tau kan namanya saja aloe tapi yang ini selain hyrdated our skin bisa juga untuk kecilin pori pori. Kukui nut oil, Jojoba oil, Squalane , Jasmine sambac oil : semuanya untuk moisturized kulit kalian dan membantu supaya kulit kita dengan mudah bisa menyerap produknya. Nah sisanya kalo kalian browsing ndiri gue kagak tahu karna gue langsung praktek aja sisanya di muka gue hehe. Sebelum gue masuk ke cerita pengalaman gue pakai produk ini gue mau cerita dulu kenapa awalnya gue tertarik sama produk ini. Jadi gue memang seneng banget racunin diri gue sendiri dengan ngefollow akun olshop yang end up nya bakalan bikin gue bangkrut dengan segala postingannya. Gue jujur lagi gila gilanya banget ngepoin skincare. Sampailah pada suatu hari gue buka postingan dari SKINJUICERY. Mereka posting beberapa skincare baru dan yang catch my attention adalah True blue by Herivore Botanicals dan Sunday Riley yang astaga Tuhan itu produknya warnannya lucu lucu banget plus packaginngnya menurut gue bagus bgt wk. Emg dasar mure gue gampang banget kemakan packaging. Nah gue mulai mencari tahu ini produk apaan jujur sebelumnya gue gapernah denger Herbivore Botanicals, kalo Sunday Riley gue udah sering research dan gue memang udah tertarik dari lama karna produk mereka reviewnya bagus bagus banget tapi ingredients mereka gue rasa bakal terlalu keras untuk kondisi kulit gue yang super sensitive dan kering gila. Plus nampaknya terlalu banyak bahan aktif yang gabakal bisa gue mix dengan serangkaian produk yang gue masih pakai dari dokter kulit gue. Kalian mungkin sudah sering liat di story ig gue kalo gue suka bragging kondisi kulit gue yang sensitif dan gampang banget jadi kayak ryan renolds di deadpool hehe, gak deng dan gampang banget berjerawat jadi gue considering diantara 2 produk yaitu Sunday Riley UFO oil and Herbivore Botanicals true blue set, dari hasil research senndiri yang gue dapet Sunday Riley jelas bukan yang gue butuhin saat ini karena Sunday Riley lebih diperuntukan untuk yang kondisi kulitnya masih berjerawat aktif dan banyak sedangkan kondisi kulit gue sekarang lagi biasa saja ,jerawat yang muncul gak banyak dan gue cuma mencari rangkaian produk mempertahankan dan menjaga kondisi kulit gue sekarang saja. Naaaah akhirnya gue mutusin untuk membeli dan menggunakan Herbivore Botanical set ini. Herbivore Botanical true blue set ini isinya ada 2 produk yaitu Blue Tansy mask dan Lapis facial oil Dua dua nya size nya lebih kecil dari produk satuan kalo gak dipaketin jadi set which is tepat buat orang orang yang mau cobain dulu termasuk eike Pas gue pertama kali buka gue langsung cium baunya , gue denger denger si Blue Tansy ini wangi dan pas gue cium jujur aja baunya gk begitu cocok sama idung gue yang gue cium kayak bau bacin di campur bunga kayak seolah lo bau tapi tetap berusaha untuk wangi ngerti gak si ? wkwk Kalo yang Lapis Oil nya jujur lebih mending baunya ,gk begitu mengganggu malah calming buat gue ,abis beres proses pengendusan gue langsung cobain ke kulit gue kalo bahasa kerennya abdi apply kan ke kulit aing ,pertama gue pakai maskernya ,teksturnya itu semacam gel kayak aloe vera gel tapi lebih cair sedikit pas di apply warnanya itu gak sebiru kayak di jar nya jadi pas dipake muka lu pada gk akan biru kayak bulbasaur wkwk tapi jadi kayak ada spot spot di muka yaudhlah jadi upik abu sebentar gpp lah ya ,setelah gue diemin 5 menit rasanya sting a bit dimuka gue tapi rasa sting nya cepat berlalu kok ,gue diemin selama 20 menit terus gue bilas pakai air suhu normal nah dibilasnya kudu pakai usaha sikit karena gel nya nempel di muka yuk mare mulai kokosek bep , nah yang gue notice abis bilasan adalah pori pori kulit muka gue langsung mengecil jauh banget dari kondisi sebelom maskeran ,blemishes yang ada di muka gue berkurang ,sesudah beres treatment maskernya gue lanjut pakai oil nya gue kasih 3-5 drop di telapak tangan gue terus gue gosok gosok dan gue rub it gently on my face sambil pijit kecil , gue juga pakein sampe leher juga abis itu gue bawa tidur. Besokannya pas gue ngaca yang gue sadarin beberapa jerawat aktif di muka gue udh gk meradang lagi, and biasanya kalo pagi di pangkal idung gue samping kiri kanan itu kering dan pecah pecah tapi ini pecah pecah nya gak muncul nah karna gue liat hasil yang signifikan dalam satu kali pemakaian akhirnya gue coba pakai selama 5 hari berturut turut (memang di packaging udh ditulis untuk hasil maximal saat pertama kali pemakaian harus 5 hari in a row) Di hari kedua gue coba kombinasi in sama obat dokter gue ,jadi pertama gue pakai dulu maskernya abis itu gue pakai essence ,serum,cream malem baru terakhir gue pakai oil nya untuk mosturizer dan sudah begitu gue bawa tidur. Pagi harinya hal yang gue notice itu pori pori gue udh lebih mengecil lagi ,blemishes sudah hampir gk ada dan ada hal yang bikin gue shock the most tapi sebelumnya gue ingin cerita sedikit about something yang belom pernah gue ceritain ke siapapun jadi tahun 2011 gue notice ada benjolan kecil di muka gue tepatnya di pipi sebelah kiri ,dan pas gue check di Erha dibilangnya adalah kista jinak (nanti gue cerita leih detail kalo pada kepo xixixi) nah!,pagi itu pas gue check kista gue ternyata dia mengecil which is kinda magical karena udh bertaun taun gue pakai obat dokter tapi hasilnya gk ada yang se signifikan ini and itu gue bikin gue happy banget dan it makes me really excited to keep using this product Last thing! Tadi kelupaan wkwk ,kemaren bulan April gue miss jadwal facial gue buat bulan itu dan biasanya kalo gue miss facial appointment ,gue bakal langsung break out jerawat tapi kenyataannya gue gk breakout walalupun tetap ada jerawat tapi cuman 1 – 2 dan tanpa facial menurut gue si amazinng dan ternyata produk ini bener bener works untuk mencegah future komedo. VERDICT Pros Mencegah komedo Mengecilkan pori pori Hasilnya signifikan dengan sekali penggunaan Melembabkan dan menutrisi kulit gak bikin kering samsek Cocok banget untuk tipe kulit muka sensitif , dry & oily skin Bisa di gunakan dengan skincare atau obat dokter 100% bahan bahan natural Combine ini ke complexion makeup lo fix glowing banget dan benar benar hydrating kulit lo banget Packaging super bagus bisa bikin feed instagram makin lucu apalagi kalo mau bikin flat lay ala ala LOL Cons PRICEY untuk satu paket ini harganya 700.000 dan untuk full size masker satuannya kena 925.000 dan buat lapis oilnya 470.000 – 1.400.000 Rupiah tergantung ukuran mili nya . Baunya sedikit ganggu buat gue Gue sejauh ini merasakan lebih banyak manfaatnya daripada kekuranganya produk ini tapi sadly nya produk ini gamasuk ke Sephora indo. Nah buat kalian yang tertarik dan bingung mau beli dimana gue beli semua produk ini di SKIN JUICERY. Gue rekomen buat beli skin care disini karena trusted dan sis nya mau banget jelasin detail info tentang produk produknya , gue gak di endorse ya btw , its my honest experencial review and opinion Okay guys jadi ini lah review gue tentang Herbivore Botanicals True Blue set base on pengalaman gue sendiri semoga konten ini bisa berguna untuk kalian kalo kalian ada pertanyaan , komen,saran,atau masukan feel free untuk comment di box dibawah ini atau reach gue langsung via dm instagram atau email and i will hapily help you out ,it will mean so much to me if you can share this information with your friends and loved ones! Have a great day guys! Nails : Pop my Nail


    Hey guys so dari minggu kemarin gue ke skip lagi untuk update konten di blog since minggu lalu gue lagi fokus ikutan training di Asia Works. Ada yang pernah denger ga si itu apa? Lol jangan di google cause you only gonna find bad things about them. Pastinya pengalaman yang gue dapet disana very inspire me to become a better human beings to help others. It was a really great experience dan sekarang gw mau fokus lagi bikin konten menarik buat kalian yang pastinya tambah pengetahuan kalian ya kagak sekedar sharing produk endorse an sama foto cakep aja lol. Okay, so beberapa waktu lalu kalo kalian inget gue pernah share di insta story gue tentang biossance. Ya waktu itu gue belom kasi reviewnya karena gue baru banget beli dan sekarang gue udah coba pakai for almost a month dan gue rasa ini udah waktunnya gue sharing sama kalian bagaimana pengalaman gue sama produk ini. Gue pertama kali tau sama merek Biossance ini tentunya hasil gue racunin diri sendiri ya lagi dan lagi , yaila kenapa gue seneng banget ya bikin diri sendiri miskin lol. Gue banyak liat reviewnya dimana mana dan pas banget si lapis oil dari herbivore yang gue punya udah abis jadi gue memang berniat untuk beli face oil yang baru nah setelah banyak produk yang sempet ada didalam list gue akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk coba Biossance ini, kenapa? Karena lagi lagi guys packagingnya cakep bgt ,plg gabisa gue anaknya sama yang botol2 minimal cantik begitu gile ya aesthetic seeker bgt anaknya sampai skincare aja kudu estetik gitukan padahal belom tentu fungsi lol. Oke selain packaging gue banyak nemu beauty guru fav gue coba si vitamin c squalane + rose oilnya. Katanya itu bagus banget, bikin kulit super glowing, ilangin dark spots, plump ur skin even fading wrinkles. Yang gue suka si biossance ini ingredientsnya kagak ribet kayak skincare pada umumnya. What you see is what you get! Super minimalistik pokonya ga banyak klaim ini itu dan most of ingredients yang mereka pakai itu based nya natural products ya so pasti lebih aman dari skincare yang ingredients nya banyak chemical. Gue beli biossance yang kit begitu guys karena gue pikir jauh lebih hemat ya kalo u beli satuan si vit c oil itu harganya kalo gasalah sekitar 1,1 juta an ya tapi kalo u beli satu bundle yang namanya Only The Good itu cuma 1,5 juta tapi kalian sudah dapet 3 produk dan pouchnya yang super lucu aduh suka bgt mak sama pouchnya hihiy. Nah didalemnya itu ada si squalane vit c rose oil yang full size, squalane phyto retinol serum yang ukuran 4 ml dan squalanne micronutrient fine mist 30 ml. Best deal banget kan guys jadi dalam satu bundle kalian sudah dapetin 3 produk sekaligus. Oiya fyi gue itu belinya waktu itu nitip teman gue yang tinggal di us guys jadi so pasti harganya lebih murah ya karna wkt itu pas gue mau beli disini di olshop2 harganya ga make sense gt deh mahalnya. Oke sebelum masuk ke review gue mau tanya dulu sama kalian familiar ga sih sama nama ingredients squalane? Jujur gue juga baru tau dan baru cari tau saat gue udah tertarik beli si biossance ini lol. Nah ternyata squalane ini adalah megamolequle yang sebenernya sudah diproduksi di tiap tubuh manusia. Fungsinya untuk, menjaga kelembapan dan tekstur kulit kita. Makannya orang makin bertambah umur biasanya kondisi kulitnya itu menurun, baik dari tingkat kekencangannya ,kelembapannya, flek, haris halus dll. Nah selain dari dalem tubuh sendiri squalane itu didapetnya susah banget , kenapa karena cuma ada dari shark liver dan olives. Nah ini semua infonya gue dapet dari company profilenya Biossance, di tahun 2003 lab tempat produksi biossance ini membuat cure buat malaria di Afrika dan curenya itu adalah squalane yang didapet dari sugarcrane di Brazil. Mereka recreate essence dari sugarcrane itu dan dibentuk senyawa squalane baru dengan nama kimia C3OH62 gile gile mau nangis bacanya aja bingung bet lol. Yaudah intinnya sih begitu ya baru sekarang gue mau sharing tentang pengalaman gue setelah pemakaian 3 bulan lebih. Yang pertama gue bahas adalah si oilnya dulu, squalane + vit c rose oil pertama kali buka wanginya rosey ya karena kan dia juga rose oil tapi super calming sih wanginya ga bikin puyeng karena terlalu kuat begitu. Teksturnya jujur mirip seperti oil pada umumnya menurut gue ini lebih encer daripada si lapis oil herbivore, apalagi kalo dibandingin sama bio oil jauh banget ya bio oil lebih thick. Di minggu pertama gue coba si oil ini gue bisa merasakan adanya improvement di tekstur kulit gue yang jadi gak kering dan a bit glowing fyi gue coba memakai si oil ini dibarengin dengan the ordinary niacinamide 10% + zinc 1%. Honestly this are the best combo jadi si nacinamidenya itu gue pakai sebagai base moisturizer baru di tumpuk sama si squalane vit c oil nya. Kombinasi ini bener bener bikin muka gue kerasa super fluffy daan as always ya pangkal samping2 idung yang biasanya gue selalu kering juga berkurang banget kulit keringnya, haha daerah itu selalu jadi indikator gue untuk ngetes produk produk yang gue coba bakal bikin kering atau enggak. Nah setelah pakai si oil baru gue tumpuk dengan krim malem dari dokter gue. Oke memasuki minggu kedua improvement yang kemarin gue rasakan masih bertahan ya di kulit gue nah yang lebih gue sadarin beberapa bekas jerawat di muka gue terutama di bagian dagu dan pipi gue sedikit nyamar ya , biasanya kalo pagi gue pakein sunscreen itu masih keliatan ada spot merah gitu nah tapi di minggu kedua yang tadinya warnannya merah dia sekarang jadi pink pucet wow i’m amazed sih pemakaian 2 minggu itu termasuk cepet ya kalo buat ilangin bekas jerawat secara bekas jerawat kalian tau kan lama ilangnya tapi yang paling gue demen sih oil ini bener bener maki hari makin dipake makin bikin muka gue glowing parah even diatasnya kalian pakein makeup juga tetap glowing ga mengubah apapun, one time gue iseng campurin pakai foundie dan itu gilasi jadi makin tahan lama, dia juga bikin foundie makin gampang diblend dan si oil ini bener bener bikin si foundie itu nyatu sama kulit banget plus sangat sangat moisturizing ya. Biasanya kalo gue abis ngapus foundie muka gue itu selalu merah merah krn emg kulit gue sensitive dan gabisa pakai makeup lama lama begitu dan yang gue sadarin muka gue ga semerah biasanya dan kerasa banget pas dipegang muka gue tetap hydrated banget fyi ini gue pakai foundienya itu dior skin forever yang sebenarnya memang udah cocok banget di kulit gue tapi malah makin bagus setelah dicampurin sama si squalane vit c rose oil ini parah deh nyamarin pori porinya itu ga nanggung2 dah . Nahhh as u know didalem pouchnya ini isinya kan ada si facial mist sama retinol juga since gue tuh takut banget sama yang namanya retinol jadi gue belom kepikiran mau nyentuh2 deh hahaha efek sampingnya bener bikin kawatir begitu jadi gue memutuskan untuk coba dulu si facial mistnya ya. Actually its generous loh sizenya buat produk yang ada di dalem bundle 30 ml dari full sizenya yang 75 ml. Nah pertama kali semprot ke muka jujur gue agak annoyed sama baunya ya, gue sama ginger itu biasa saja sebenernya nah si mistnya ini ada bau ginger tapi bacin HAHA gue gatau itu proper atau engga buat describe suatu produk tapi yang jelasi itu yang gue rasain wkwk kayanya itu kan ngandung hyaluronic acids apa mungkin ya gara gara itu lol. Anyway karena dia bentuknya kecil dan gue demen bet sama packagingnya jadi gue selalu bawa di tas meskipun gue gasuka sama baunya gue tetap paksain sih coba yaiyalah ya udah dibeli ga ridho juga gue kasiin atau gue anggurin gitukan alhasil dari terbiasa jadi suka lama lama! LOL jujur si mistnya ini beneran ngefek sih, dari dulu gue itu paling males kalo disuruh beli mist , coba yang murah sampe yang mahal kok begitu begitu saja ya gada specialnya kek AER AJA GITU SIS sekedar basah wgwg ada satu sih yang gue penasaran banget mist nya si tata harper #akrabeuy tapi hargannya selangit sis ntaran saja nyobanya pas ada rejeki yes. Oke kenapa gue bisa bilang ini ngefek sesuai sama claimnya si mist ini kan tujuannya buat hydrating dan semacam setting spray makeup dua duanya yang diklaim ini beneran terjadi di muka gue jadi saat gue spray di muka gue efek yang pertama gue dapetin adalah gue ngerasa si airnya ko kerasa thick ya di muka gue kayak sejenak muka gue kerasa sedikit lengket gitu tapi lama lama si lengketnya itu ilang dan pas gue pegang ke muka kerasa banget muka jadi lebih lembut nah kalo refreshing jujur ya gagimana banget ya namanya disemprot aer pasti aja kan jadi lebih segeran dikit plus kalo buat gue si si bacinnya itu yang bikin segeran secara kaget kan bau kalo disemprot HAHAHAHA kidding guys. Nah selain hydrating juga kan katannya fungsinya sebagai setting spray jadi setiap setelah gue abis makeup harian gue selalu semprotin itu and hasilnya menurut gue lumayan efektif ya sebagai setting spray tapi belom segitunya sih , karena biasanya kan gue hari hari pakai blush bronzer sama highlighter tapi setengah hari sudah lumayan memudar si ga sepakem kayak gue pake setting spray nya urban decay begitu yang memang pakem seharian tapi ekspektasi gue juga gak segitunya sih karena gue tahu concern mereka kan bukan makeup yak lebih ke skincare saja begitu. Sampe hari ini sudah 3 bulan lebih gue masi pakai si squalane vit c rose oilnnya, super awet dan lama banget sih abisnya padahal dipake sehari 2 kali. Facial mist alhamdullilah masih bertahan sih yang ga bersisa cuma si retinol saja yaila gue cerita kayak belaga mau dibeliin gituya ngasi info setok skincare wgwg . Okaay sekarang gue bakalan memberikan final verdict gue. 1. BIOSSANCE SQUALANE + VIT C ROSE OIL Bagus banget bangetan super bikin glowing Bikin muka plump Menyamarkan bekas jerawat Bye bye dry patches The best face oil i’ve ever use Works so well with the ordinary niacinamide Isinya banyak banget gak cepet abis Bagus banget buat dicampurin ke complexion makeup Kadang gue suka lewatin sedikit satu tetes oil digosok di bawah mata kanan kiri dan di roll with jade face roller andi t works untuk ilangin puffy eyes too! 2. BIOSSANCE SQUALANE + PHYTO RETINOL SERUM Kerasa banget bikin muka kenceng tapi gak bikin kulit ketarik Sangat sangat berbeda daripada retinol pada umumnya, kenapa? Sama sekali gak bikin kering malah jadi kayak moisturizer Cepet banget diserap kulit Gak lengket sama sekali Kalo kalian yang baru mau coba gue saranin untuk beli yang size kecil dulu karena pemakaian retinol gaperlu banyak jadi untuk ngabisin mini size saja gue bisa 2 bulan baru abis. 3. BIOSSANCE MICRONUTRIENT FINE MIST Actually working ga cuma sekedar air biasa Well hyrdrating my skin Not the best setting spray for makeup If u want this i suggest you guys to just buy the travel size ones karena abisnya lama banget isinya very generous, easy to carry and much cheaper too lol. Okay jadi itu kesimpulan ringkas gue tentang 3 produk biossance yang ada di kit Only the good. Menurut gue produknya biossance bagus bagus banget terutama si squalane + vitamin c rose oil dan si phyto retinolnya juara banget sih definitely gue bakalan repurchase lagi *yea belaga banyak duit udh sekaya kanjeng dimas w WGWG. Anyway buat kalian yang mau coba atau penasaran banget sama produknya biossance gue saranin banget kalian mendingan beli set ini, satu set ini itu harganya ga beda jauh sama harga satu botolnya si squalane vitamin c rosel oil itu! Makannya daripada beli harga segitu dapet satu produk doang mending tambah dikit tapi kalian bisa dapetin dan coba 2 produk lainnya juga kan , dapet pouch lucu pula udalah best deal bet percaya aja ama w wgwg. Kay guys sekian review dari gue semoga konten ini bermanfaat ya buat u pada, kalo ada pertanyaan, saran,masukan,keluhan,sumbangan yang mau dikasi ke w gausa sungkan japri aja oke sis. Have a nice day guys! Stay hydrated!


    I want to ask a question, how do you feel about vintage items? You like not with vintage items? Likes to buy vintage items? Or even vice versa at all do not want to use vintage items? Usually, many people who do not want to use vintage items for reasons such as fear of the object history that we do not know, is not hygienic to use and can transmit disease, or the goods are goods that have been damaged? Well, then this post will open your mind with little steps so you can now more things about vintage items and especially where to get those quality vintage items! I gotta say I've been into vintage items lately, I've often looked for that reference or inspiration from Pinterest and one thing I realize that the style can be likened to a wheel that spins instantly so it's a big topic. The style is always changing every day but all the trends that exist without us realize also take from the previous trends that have been happening in many years before. Let's say the trend once the little sunnies that does not work as the actual sunnies because the extra small glass does not cover our eyes just for style only. In addition to sunnies, there are also super high waist jeans with straight cutting and finished with raw details at the end like repeating the trend in the 60-90s. Not forgetting the current bag trend that also takes from the model of vintage bags like Mansur Gavriel calf circle bag, vintage beaded bag, Net bag and etc. 1. Decide where to shop the place where you learn also determines how the quality of the goods you produce if I read from an online store that I already trust because I do not need to bother to walk around the market because of the many choices that make me confused. we also know the condition of used goods here unlike the comfortable overseas, this has become a market plus there are a lot of pickpockets so it makes me lazier to go there. But if you intend to come directly to the market well it is a good thing too because you can directly check the goods plus it is definitely cheaper because you can bid. 2. Measure properly! this is important! if the items that u buy are too big u can still be understated but if its too small its a problem! don't force to buy it!!, it would require more effort for you to just wear those things right? 3. PLEASE DO CHECK Always check the items you will buy carefully, you have to check if there is a hole or a loose stitch, especially please check in the armpits! The worst thing that ever happened always happens in this section. If you buy online do not hesitate to request detail photos of the goods! 4. How about accessories? after buying antique accessories I always clean it with alcohol first. If when wearing the accessories leave the green color on your skin just coat it with clear nail polish. 5. What about the fur items? This is also for those of you who buy coats of leather or fur because they are vulnerable, can go or peel off. Plus usually, the vintage coat is heavier than the coat nowadays so try it before you buy and most importantly do some quality checks wisely! 6. WASH WASH WASH This is the most important thing if you buy vintage items that are always washed before use! How to wash vintages is not like washing your usual clothes. The first thing you should do is boil his clothes mixed with baking soda, normally for me boil in 10-15 minutes to kill all types of viruses etc. bacteria. Then soak with an antiseptic solution and soap deodorizer. The last iron carefully! If you are lazy to do the steps above just simply bring it to the laundry! The steps above are some tricks you need to remember before buying vintage items! Shopping for vintage items is a fun thing, always giving satisfaction when looking for rare items, but should be followed with thoroughness when shopping! Before this content end, I will give a recommendation of the vintage online store that can be used to get antiques with high quality, just easily tap on the link! Chapa Mamba Lets get sparkle Luckylight Trove trove You poppin top : Bon Barell | pants: Chapa Mamba | shoes: Zara | bag: Zara | sunnnies: Luckylight Okay so that’s all for today! Hope this content can be helpful for all of you! Have a nice weekend!


    Hows your new year started guys? Been great? Either it was great or not we still in the beginning at 2018 so don’t overthink abbout anything you’ll gotta find a way somehow. Well to start the new year i always choose bright colors, there is no specific reason but i always have suggestion if i use bright color will lighten up my spirit during this new days haha it does’nt even make sense i know :p. Been a few weeks ago i got a package from Berrybenka, and comes with this orange mustard top from Avgal collection. I’m so in love with this top when i see the color its just so pretty especially the details on buttons and the crop cutting in the middle!, Thats why i named this content aracia, it means orange in Italy LOL. So i decided to took a photo of it and use it as my next content. I paired it with a sky blue pants. I always love the combination of orange and blue, its just so good on the eye like a pop from orange calmed with the neutrals from blue. Then i use my wooden heels and give a touch of tropical vibes by wearing a summer hat and clutch, finish them with a pair of sunnies.


    Hey, guys omg its been two weeks since I'm not posting anything on the blog! I was so busy arranging photos of mine for the blog, I cannot choose which one I want to post first either its the personal, beauty or the fashion post lol, #nahdontgivememoreexcuse! I know right. Okay since my blog is the first platform that I choose to share all my contents so I want to post my favorite photos for the contents first and it is my last Chinese new year outfit! Haha, it's too late for the events I know right but since I really love this looks and the photos so much I'm still gonna share it though. As you all now many of the Chinese new year sayings said that everyone who celebrates the Chinese new year better is wearing red as the color to represent powerful spirits and happiness of the new year. Well, I’d been wearing red like forever and always when celebrating Chinese new year and starting this time I'm gonna make a different look by not wearing red but just add some little red detail on my outfit for that day. I guess I'm just bored seeing myself on red every year of the Chinese new year, last year I wore the pink outfit as my replacement color for red, then I think again why not trying something different besides there is no pressure on my family by not wearing red so yes this is the look! top: Love Bonito | pants & shoes : Zara | bag: Gucci | sunnies: Rayban


    Hey guys back again with me! Today i want to share with you guys what i've found on my mom's old closet, las week i check my mom's old collections and i found so many cute vintage pieces like sweaters, accesories, watches and some vintage bags too. From all the things that i found there is one item that i love the most and it is the green stripes outer! When i found it on my mom's old closet i fell in love right away, just take a look on those pretty stripes details! The colors are super pretty especially the wool material its super warm yet breezy at the same time. i can still wear this in Bandung's windy weather! It suprised me how the material is still in a very good condition. It made me realize that most of the vintage items that i found mostly made from a really good and durable materials so it can be used for such a long time, nowadays in this fast fashion era most brands don't really pay atttention to their materials, they just want to make whats on trend and a quick cash, i really appreciate the high value from vintage items especially the story behind it. My Mom said she get this sweater from her friend as her birthday gift and she forgot that she have that outer since it was packed on the attic when we first move to our home. After i bring it to the laundry i'm just too excited to style it! So i decide to mix and match it right away and take it for a walk. First i pair the jacket with a simple white turtle neck so it can make a neutral dimension and highlighted the jacket's pattern. then i pair it with a plain brown pants from Cloth Inc just to complete the warm tone from the jacket. To finish the look i use my buckled paltform shoes from Watt Walk The Talk , i've been wanting to pair this shoes with a special outfit, i love all of the details in this shoes the gold stripes details gives an edgy touch but still neutral to be paired with many colors and styles. The Platform itself add a classic touch for the whole look and for the last i use my mini bucket furla bag! Voila! outer & top : Vintage personal collections | pants : Cloth Inc | shoes: Watt Walk The Talk | bag: Furla


    Been 2 weeks not posting any contents feels like there's something missing! And without notice, there will be two big days in one week! Yep, Valentines on 14 the February and Chinese new year only within two days from Valentine! Gonna have to be well prepared to spend times with your loved ones and family right? Have you got any preparation yet? So in this time, I wanna make a little difference regarding my content for valentines day. Not only focusing on what you should wear on valentines day or what gifts you should give for your loved ones but I want to give us all a small reminder about little things that we often forget Self-love. Almost every day we are preoccupied with various routines, our minds are divided for all the things that we consider important. We continue to focus on the thoughts of how to make balance in our lives from work, family, lovers, children, friends and other things we consider to be a priority. Do you always put other people’s need before yours? When it's all a priority we feel our choices are not the choices we want but the choices we have to do, which distinguish is more important to do first. Either way, you end up having to do all of that choices. On this celebration of love let us take a moment for ourselves. Take a break from all those routines and make a reminder that myself is more important than everything else. You can have all the things in the world but if you don't have any love for yourself it will never be enough. Self-love doesn’t come from the outside but from the inside, it's not simply a state of being good but we accept our weaknesses as well as our strength. Have compassion for ourselves as human beings struggling to find personal meaning and expect living fulfillment through our own efforts. And the question is how am I supposed to do now? Ditch all of the people in my life and live the way I want? And end up being an egoistic * itch? sure No! there are so many ways to do good things! Heres what I do to always have my self love 1. Pampering myself, queen gotta have a queen time A good soul comes from a good mind, and how do you get a good mind? Of course, the mind that relaxes. Masking your whole body, do a makeover, a spa day, binge-watching , binge eating? And etc. A relaxed mind will certainly make us able to see everything more clear and positive.Make sense? 2. Trying new things, that I always hate It sounds weird but it kinda works for me, not every time. When I think of the things I hate I always think of the reasons why I hate it. And I am always challenged to prove the reason, I always see something I hate to be a new challenge that will give me a new lesson whether it is good or bad so I have a new perspective that can make me think more wisely also releasing the hatred and curiosity in me. Dare to try? 3. Buying gifts by me and for me Buying little gifts for yourself has never been a mistake, one day in our life buying the things we want No. matter how unimportant I this, as long as it makes us happy it never hurts right? It's like feeding a good food for your soul. Pass out all the judgments from others behind you, cause you know shopping is like the best therapy? No. wonder consumerism gets higher and higher everyday right, cause many people must do self-love! 4. Express your love to others! Can you always give your love to anyone in this love? Cause everybody needs love! You can say I love you to anyone without even thinking cause it's a valentines day duh! All the suggestions above would be a waste of time if you are still not accepting yourself. Self-love is a journey and not an easy one for sure, also needs practice every day but always remember never giving up trying cause no love is greater than the love from yourself. You only got one life so you better make it worth! Youll never knows whats on the end. When you love yourself you can spread the love you already have and its gonna make a happy ending for everyone around you. “You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.” — Buddha HAPPY VALENTINES DAY ALL!


    Facial mask is one of the most common forms of facial care used by almost everyone. Many forms and benefits tailored to the needs of our face. This time I’d like to share to all of you guys my experience about face mask. I have a dry combination skin and its really sensitive if I dont treat it well. I can easily get break outs if Im so stress out , if I do a lot of outdoor activities or I forgot to wash my face 2 times , bad eating habits and so on. To taking care of my face I use the treatment from a dermatologist , yes I know its a bit contradictive but the thing is I'm the type of person who really likes the treatment of a dermatologist. I already tried many many face products like sun cream, night cream ,face oil, lots of treatments from many brand either the local ones or the international brands you name it. Sadly none of the products went well with my skin , either it make my skin so dry and patchy or make my break outs even worse. So instead looking for another face products I go to the dermatologist and yes it works really well to me. I’ve been using products from my dermatologist for the past 4 year until now. But using the dermatologist does’nt mean I dont’ use other products from other skincare brands . I also use face mask and acne medication from various brand but thats it . As you know I have mention my experience with horrible break outs and how I deal with it. ( check out on My latest beauty favourites ) one of the best remedies that cure my breakouts is the glamglow supermud mask the white one. It get rid all of the acne on my face really well both big pimples , small pimples that looks like petrified on the face and the best part is glamglow greatly improve the quality of my facial skin and provide the final result with super glowing skin finish. But the problem is Glamglow is a luxury items for mask, like hell yeah for sure. I bought it at Sephora on 999K rupiah for 50 gr , comes with the mini soap and the mini glamglow face mask & scrub the orange ones. Well 50 gr for myself as a person who really likes to wear mask is enough but not too quite hahaha if you know what i mean, I managed to spend 50 grams glamglow for 4 months with a fairly frequent use. and when my glamglow ran out of stock I think for repurchase, but thanks to my curiosity I watch so many review of face mask from various beauty vloggers on youtube , a long short story I found one mask that really interest me to try and it is the Aztec Secret Indian Healing mask. What they says on the mask : 100% Natural Calcium Bentonie (Green) Clay AZTEC SECRET INDIAN HEALING CLAY Facials, acne, bodywraps, clay baths, foot soaks, chilled clay for knee packs. Handy for insect bites! Enjoy the benefits of clay in your own home. Beautify and refresh just as Cleopatra used clay in her beauty ritual in ancient Egypt. Directions: Mix healing clay with equal parts of raw apple cider vinegar and/or water. Best to use a non-metal bowl and utensil. Stir the mixture well, until it is a smooth paste. Add more clay or liquid as needed. Apply 1/4 to 1/2 inch layer to the face or other area. Let it dry for 5-10 min. for delicate skin and 15-20 min. for normal skin. You will feel a pulling and tightening sensation. FEEL YOUR FACE PULSATE! Remove clay by washing with warm water. Slight redness of the skin is normal and will disappear in about 30 min. AZTEC SECRET INDIAN HEALING CLAY Helps to remove impurities and dirt from the pores. Deep pore cleansing of the skin. "WORLD'S MOST POWERFUL FACIAL" 908 GRAMS of healing clay makes 20-30 facials. Use it once per week for the whole family, more often for teenagers with problem skin. Men love it too. FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY. Ingredients: 100% NATURAL CALCIUM BENTONITE (GREEN) CLAY SUN DRIED - NO ADDITIVES - NO FRAGANCES NO ANIMAL TESTING - NO ANIMAL PRODUCTS This mask comes with a various size , for me I buy the 454g ones I know its a really big size but trust me there is a bigger one than this and since I love mask so much its a perfect size for me . If you guys wanna try it first you can but the sharing size there are so many online shops on Instagram , shopee and etc but only buy from the trusted ones! Okay so I use this mask for one tea spoon well its kinda enough for my face then how I use it : I mixed it up with 1-2 tea spoon of apple vinegar or the bear brand milk depends on what for. As you all know apple vinegar is really good natural to cure acne , blackheads, huge pores and you can also use it as your toner before using your night remedies. If you looking for the glowy and dewy effect you can mix it up with bbear brand milk , it also smooth out your skin nicely . You can mix apple vinegar or the bear brand milk as much as you need to get the texture you want. REMEMBER!!! Do not mix the masks with tools that made of stainless steel or metal, because bentonie itself is very sensitive to metal materials, so if touched with metal materials will eliminate the efficacy of bentonie. Apply it all over your face and leave it out for 10- 20 minutes then rinse it all with warm water. So how about the results? My first impression when I use this mask was my face become so so red , well the instructtions already say it all on the packaging. But the best thing I found on my skin afterwards was that my pores boecome very small and so tight I can feel it when I put the mask on my face it really stings and tighten up my face , as I doing some research that this sting effect appears because the ingredients that exist in the mask itself is cleaning the dirt on our face that previously did not manage to lift . After 30 minutes I took of the mask ,the redness on my skin were already gone and a few big pimples yag still inflamed look more deflated than ever. I have using this mask as my routine skincare for 3weeks and I’m really happy with the results my skin is not easy to appear acne,the acne scars that had caused black spots began disguise looking forward to get a better and better results for this mask! What I don’t like about this mask? Simply the smell ugh!!! It smells so bad like a smelly feet haha , I swear but this only happen if you use the apple vinegar, I really hate it but I still managed to keep using this mask despite the smell I really love it! So what do you guys think about this review? Want to try it? Hope this review can help all of you guys out there especially the ones who have a similar acne problems and sensitive skin like me! Don’t forget to follow my account on Instagram (@michelleoksana) and subscribe to my blog! Have a great day guys!


    Hey guys its really good to be back writing again! After a month post poning finally i can show you the new look of, well its a really long process to find a website developer that clicks your personality especially when ur trying to reveal your self into a website that reflects your passion. Its a bit tiring and a hard process , lots of adjusting but its a part of the journey and there are no elevator to success right? Anyway despite all of the second transition of my website as you all know im a big fan of fall season so definitely i found a lot of items that catch my eyes and did a lot of shopping . In this post i would like to show you guys one of my best buy items ! I’m so excited to share this look with all of you. Well i found a perfect light mocca oversized pants in one of my favorite online website Loveandflair. When i saw this pants its like a love at first sight all over again ,omg its just happen everytime when you found something that you really like right , well to be honest i already have a lot of neutral pants especially in this kind of color but the cuttings and the models of this pants i just can’t resist! It has such a unique shape and a statement piece yet a perfect match to all kind of style! I paired this ford belted pants with a simple oversized white shirt , i did a simple styling on the shirt by open the first and the second button then pull the back of the shirt under my pants , so it will open up your shoulder a little bit but not too much. The purpose of this styling is just to add a neutral color dimension from the color of your skin and make your shoulder look wider so it will make us look more toned. Last but not least i complete the look with a yellow bee earrings , white heels and a classic chanel bag then done!


    Holiday season is already around the corner, so does christmas just within 2 more days! What kind of style do you prefer to wear on this season? For me i don’t care what kind of style but comfort is a king. So now i want to share one of my outfit ideas for this season. I wear a super cozy red oversized sweater, i always love to pop out some colors from seasons especially this time. Red color always reminds me the festive of joy that the christmas brings. For the bottom i paired the red sweater with a brown chekkered pants. Oh so much love for the chekkered pants ,i’m in a deep love with that pattern . Always works everytime you paired them with a plain top, either the neutral or the bright colored ones. Chekkered pattern is never go out of style , if you guys looking for a pants with patterns that always in trend then chekkered is the best investment. Add some more details with the eyelet belt, to elevate the whole look finished it with the pearly barett hat then done! sweater: Bershka | pants : Zara | belt: Pull & Bear | barett: Zara


    There’s nothing new about the all black look, but you can always make it special . The all black look is one of the most common outfit that everyone use. Its a simple statement kind of style. But sometime with the wrong styling it would be a disaster like walking to a funeral. This time im gonna show yout how to elevate the all black look not just a boring all black. 1. Choose a top with a unique cutting A unique cutting give a simple difference and make the black color don’t look too basic. 2. Details make statement easy Add some patterns or details on the pants or skirt that u use, so it will add up some statement to your look . 3. Pop it Finishing the look by using a statement colored or unique bag so it will compensate for the existing details! outfit : Story of Rivhone | sunnies : Ojo eyewear | shoes : Berrybenka | earrings : Nirawatro


    Hey everyone back again with me! Eventually after a long-long time postponing it’s really nice to be back blogging again and also its already August people yay! Long story short I’ve been so busy for the past few weeks in July I’ve done some training in Jakarta on the second week of July and then there were some technical problems on my web came up, but yeah after a hard struggle I finally can solved that problem by changing to other more professional website developer, for sure it’ll be nice to work with professionals right? Okaay then let’s move on to another topic. So at the end of July Berrybenka just send me a shopping voucher regarding their special promo Berrybenka Friendly Festival. They offered up to 80% discount and extra 15% off without minimum by entered my special code! Well then I spend my voucher for the cutest yet versatile gray block jumpsuit from Innaya ! You can check it here for all the details! The cutting, pattern and the colors are such a perfect combination! A perfect attire for casual feminine look. I combine this jumpsuit with a big gray belt. Im finishing the look with a pair of white shoes and sunglasses, no accessories at all, then done!


    One day i was strolling around the mall with my mom looking for my upcoming birthday outfit because we're going to have a nice family dinner on my birthday. As i was screening around the Zara store , then i stumbled upon a really beautiful kimono paired with a really nice leather crop top with an orange wavy embroidery details at the bottom. It was a love at the first sight! i was instantly fall in love with all the details of the pattern , a statment red colors all of the kimono and lastly the super delicate materials that smoothly glides on my skin! But before i get to decide wheter i will take this kimono or not i was thinking will i be able to style this vibrant statement piece all the time? Will it be a good investment for my wardrobe? I don't have any experience styling a kimono especially when in comes in a super red color. Then after 15 minutes scrolling for many styling inspirations on pinterest i decided to take this beautiful kimono with me! suprisingly there are so many styles that we can explore with a kimono, can't wait to share my stylings with you guys! As you can see my new kimono comes with a full patterned and complete with a really vibrant red color surrounds the pattern. so to match it i will paired them with a simple white pants to create a neutral dimensions for the whole look. I complete the styling with a white platform shoes with a gold heels detail! I feel like the gold heels is gonna give a pop of colors underneath the full white part of the look. Lastly for the statement accessories i decided to use a simple gold rings and a studded red clutch to match the reddish tone from the kimono! i know its a bit too much as you read it but when i take it on the photo all of the details just complete each other perfectly! This kimono was the true definition of my birthday outfit! Cheers! kimono & inner : Zara | white pants : Cloth Inc | shoes : Stradivarius | clutch : Zara

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