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Updated: May 17, 2021

Been 2 weeks not posting any contents feels like there's something missing! And without notice, there will be two big days in one week! Yep, Valentines on 14 the February and Chinese new year only within two days from Valentine! Gonna have to be well prepared to spend times with your loved ones and family right? Have you got any preparation yet?

So in this time, I wanna make a little difference regarding my content for valentines day. Not only focusing on what you should wear on valentines day or what gifts you should give for your loved ones but I want to give us all a small reminder about little things that we often forget Self-love.

Almost every day we are preoccupied with various routines, our minds are divided for all the things that we consider important. We continue to focus on the thoughts of how to make balance in our lives from work, family, lovers, children, friends and other things we consider to be a priority. Do you always put other people’s need before yours? When it's all a priority we feel our choices are not the choices we want but the choices we have to do, which distinguish is more important to do first. Either way, you end up having to do all of that choices.

On this celebration of love let us take a moment for ourselves. Take a break from all those routines and make a reminder that myself is more important than everything else. You can have all the things in the world but if you don't have any love for yourself it will never be enough. Self-love doesn’t come from the outside but from the inside, it's not simply a state of being good but we accept our weaknesses as well as our strength. Have compassion for ourselves as human beings struggling to find personal meaning and expect living fulfillment through our own efforts.

And the question is how am I supposed to do now? Ditch all of the people in my life and live the way I want? And end up being an egoistic * itch? sure No! there are so many ways to do good things! Heres what I do to always have my self love

1. Pampering myself, queen gotta have a queen time

A good soul comes from a good mind, and how do you get a good mind? Of course, the mind that relaxes. Masking your whole body, do a makeover, a spa day, binge-watching , binge eating? And etc. A relaxed mind will certainly make us able to see everything more clear and positive.Make sense?

2. Trying new things, that I always hate

It sounds weird but it kinda works for me, not every time. When I think of the things I hate I always think of the reasons why I hate it. And I am always challenged to prove the reason, I always see something I hate to be a new challenge that will give me a new lesson whether it is good or bad so I have a new perspective that can make me think more wisely also releasing the hatred and curiosity in me. Dare to try?

3. Buying gifts by me and for me

Buying little gifts for yourself has never been a mistake, one day in our life buying the things we want No. matter how unimportant I this, as long as it makes us happy it never hurts right? It's like feeding a good food for your soul. Pass out all the judgments from others behind you, cause you know shopping is like the best therapy? No. wonder consumerism gets higher and higher everyday right, cause many people must do self-love!

4. Express your love to others!

Can you always give your love to anyone in this love? Cause everybody needs love! You can say I love you to anyone without even thinking cause it's a valentines day duh!

All the suggestions above would be a waste of time if you are still not accepting yourself. Self-love is a journey and not an easy one for sure, also needs practice every day but always remember never giving up trying cause no love is greater than the love from yourself. You only got one life so you better make it worth! Youll never knows whats on the end. When you love yourself you can spread the love you already have and its gonna make a happy ending for everyone around you.

“You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.” — Buddha


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